Parents Orientation Program

On April 26, the school hosted a comprehensive parents' orientation program. The event kicked off with a warm welcome speech, setting the tone for the evening.

Throughout the program, various topics pertinent to parents were covered, including:

. School policies and procedures Parents received detailed information about the school's policies, rules and regulations to ensure a smooth understanding of the educational environment.

A through overview of the curriculum was provided, highlighting key subjects, teaching methodologies and learning outcomes, allowing parents to gain insight into their children's educational journey.

: The importance of extra curricular activities in holistic development was emphasized, with details provided about the range of activities available for students to participate in.The significance of strong parent - teacher Collaboration was underscored, encouraging parents to actively fostering a supportive partnership between home and school.

: Parents were informed about the various resources and Support systems available with in the school: Parents were informed about the importance of P.T.M and rules regarding the fee..

Overall the parents' orientation program was a resounding success, providing parents with valuable insights, fostering a sense of community and strengthening the bond between the school and it's parent body.


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